Weight gain - unintentional

Unintentional weight gain is when you gain weight without trying to do so and you are not eating or drinking more.

Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise gets the heart working to pump blood through the heart more quickly and with more force than normal. As blood is pumped faster, it must be oxygenated more quickly, which quickens respiration. Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart and boosts healthy cholesterol levels. Low impact aerobics include walking and swimming. Running, tennis and dance are high impact aerobics.

Isometric exercise

Isometric exercise works muscles and strengthens bone. Increased muscle mass elevates metabolism, which in turn burns fat. Strength training is also called anaerobic exercise, as opposed to aerobic, because increased oxygen production is not required.

Calories and fat per serving

Calories are the basic unit of energy within food. When you eat, your body converts calories into energy. The body uses what it can and stores the rest in the form of fat. A calorie is a calorie, whether it comes from a brownie or a serving of raw broccoli. The difference between them is the number of calories, nutrients, fat, and other ingredients in a typical serving.


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