Women and Children's Services
The Mount Sinai Hospital offers comprehensive social work services for women, children, and adolescents.
Do you have a child or adolescent receiving medical care at Mount Sinai and need help?
Social Workers offer a wide range of social work services to children and their care partners. Social workers are part of the health care team in most pediatric practices and throughout the Kravis Children’s Hospital. Social Workers help families manage the chronic or acute illness of a child through individual, family, and group counseling utilizing family-centered care and by partnering with doctors, nurses, and other disciplines to ensure continuity of care throughout a child and family’s medical experience.
Social Workers are also part of the care team at the Adolescent Health Center, a free comprehensive outpatient medical, dental, vision and mental health clinic for adolescents ages 10 to 24.
Are you or a loved one having a baby or seeking women's health services at Mount Sinai?
Social Workers are available to assist you throughout your pregnancy and postpartum experience. If you are already a patient in the KPE practice, you can be seen by a Social Worker on the health care team Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm without an appointment. If you are not a KPE patient, you can contact a Social Worker by asking your health care team, or by calling 212-241-6861. Social Workers help with a variety of issues during and after hospitalization including guidance for new parents, coping with motherhood, high risk medical needs, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) support, and connection to community resources.