Frequently Asked Questions
Below are commonly asked questions about Mount Sinai Imaging.
What do I need to do before making an appointment?
You will need your doctor’s referral (prescription) and insurance authorization. When you have those, you can call 718-808-7500 to make an appointment.
How quickly can I schedule an appointment?
It depends on the test. Tests are scheduled as soon as possible. Some tests can be scheduled for the following day. In urgent cases we make every effort to accommodate your doctor’s request.
Who will perform my exam?
Your scan will be performed by an experienced, highly trained technologist.
Who will interpret my exam?
All scans are read by board certified fellowship-trained radiologists who are members of the faculty of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
How should I prepare for my imaging test?
Please view our guidelines for preparing for imaging tests.
Are x-rays and other radiation tests safe?
All equipment emits only low dose radiation.
I’m uncomfortable in a confined space. How will my discomfort be minimized during an MRI?
Our wide bore MRI will make you feel less confined. Also our technologist will be able to have communication with you during the MRI exam.
Why do I need to bring films from prior exams? What if I don’t have them?
Prior films are compared to your current images. If done at another Mount Sinai location, our radiologist will have access to it. If not, you can request them from where you previously had your exam.
How quickly will my doctor receive a report from the interpreting radiologist?
Images are immediately available for review by any doctor in the Mount Sinai Health System on our state-of-the-art picture archiving and communication system. Doctors outside the Health System usually receive results within two business days or less.
How will I receive the results of my scan?
Results will be sent to your doctor.
How can I get copies of my scans and reports?
You can request your scans and reports through medical records. Learn more about how to request films
How can I request copies of my scans and reports be sent to another doctor?
During your visit you can request your scans and reports to be sent to another doctor. There is a separate form that would need to be filled out.