

If you have specific areas of your body that do not respond to weight loss or exercise, liposuction may be an ideal solution for you. Liposuction is a surgical procedure performed by our board-certified plastic surgeons that uses a suction device to remove fat cells from targeted areas. Its purpose is to contour that area, creating a sleek, natural appearance.

During your consultation with your plastic surgeon, you will learn that liposuction is not an effective treatment for the dimpled skin that commonly forms and appears as cellulite on the thighs and buttocks. Also, liposuction will not tighten skin that is overly loose and lacks significant elasticity. If your doctor determines that liposuction is not appropriate for you, he/she can suggest alternatives such as a tummy tuck or face lift.

At Mount Sinai, we offer several types of liposuction, including:

  • Power-assisted liposuction (PAL)—uses a gentle vibration of a cannula (a thin, hollow tube) that loosens the fat to help remove it with suction.
  • SmartLipo MPX™—uses a laser to heat the fat to help with its removal and help the skin retract after removal, especially useful for upper arms, neck, and inner thigh.

Looking Your Best

There are many benefits to having liposuction:

  • Provides an alternative to traditional plastic surgery by eliminating fat from specific areas like the abdomen, thighs, chin, or enlarged male breasts (gynecomastia) without making large incisions.
  • Balances an out-of-proportion body type by reducing bulges on thighs or a large abdominal girth in men, for example.
  • Enhances facial surgery procedures such as face lift by removing pockets of fat from under the chin.
  • Adds to diet and exercise results by contouring the stubborn areas that do not respond to these efforts.

You can expect your liposuction results to last indefinitely; however, it is up to you to help that happen. In order for your slimmed down, contoured liposuction look to last it’s important to avoid gaining extra weight after surgery.