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"Asthma Control Associated With Visual Recognition Of Medication" - Melissa Foster

  • Healio: Pulmonology
  • New York, NY
  • (November 25, 2019)

Among inner-city children, poor visual recognition of asthma controller medications by patients and their caregivers is linked to worse compliance and disease outcomes, according to researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. “Optimizing adherence to medication is the key component and challenge for better asthma control. Factors affecting adherence include patients’ medication beliefs, mental health symptoms, provider communication limitations — including implicit biases regarding cultural differences, patients’ limited English proficiency or literacy — and system issues, such as insurance and the cost of medications,” said Mansi Kothari, MD, chief resident of pediatrics at the Mount Sinai Health System/Elmhurst Hospital Program. She added, “We speculate that we could have better outcomes and maybe more effective adherence with incorporation of a more visually friendly asthma plan in place of the current written standard, especially in the inner-city population.” 

Mansi Kothari, MD, Chief Resident, Pediatrics, Mount Sinai Health System/Elmhurst Hospital Program

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