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"FDA Approves New Drug To Treat Migraines" - Antwan Lewis

  • Fox 5 News
  • New York, NY
  • (May 21, 2018)

Hope is on the horizon to treat chronic migraines. A new drug, Aimovig, to prevent the painful condition was just FDA approved – it’s a shot given once a month and the first of several new treatment options on the way. Lauren Natbony, MD, assistant professor of neurology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai wrote her first prescription for a patient Monday morning. “Before now, there was nothing that would work faster to prevent migraines meaning decrease their overall frequency over time. So we find that very exciting in the headache community,” Dr. Natbony said. Aimovig is not a cure, but it helps to significantly reduce the frequency of migraines and those symptoms sufferers say can be unbearable. Neurologists feel that this is a huge breakthrough in treatment and there is more to come.

- Lauren Natbony, MD, Assistant Professor, Neurology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

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