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"Crain's Summit Explores The Future of Population Health" - Jonathan LaMantia

  • Crain's New York
  • New York, NY
  • (November 19, 2018)

Population health—which aims to improve the health of a group of patients or even an entire neighborhood—offers potential for collaboration among community-based organizations, payers and health systems, but it's still a work in progress, according to speakers at Crain's 2018 health care summit on November 15. The future of New York’s new webs of providers is less clear, as DSRIP participants no longer will have the financial incentive keep them together. Niyum Gandhi, chief population health officer at Mount Sinai Health System, said it’s important that organizations are up-front when a partnership isn’t working. “We spend a lot of time with ‘motherhood and apple pie’ conversations, assuming 37 organizations can come together in this brilliant, wonderful multiparty partnership. That's not the way it's going to work. There will be some partnerships that work and some that don't,” Gandhi said.

— Niyum Gandhi, Executive Vice President, Chief Population Health Officer, Mount Sinai Health System

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