Trans-masculine (Female to Male) Surgeries

Trans-masculine surgeries are for patients looking to change their bodies physically to have typically male characteristics. These procedures may be referred to as masculinizing gender affirming surgeries (GAS). We offer a variety of chest and genital surgical procedures.

Chest Masculinization

Chest masculinization is a common chest surgery among for trans masculine patients. A plastic surgeon removes your mammary and fat tissue to create a masculine chest.

A CTMS surgeon will work closely with you to understand your goals, and will recommend the best surgical approach to meet your needs. The CTMS plastic surgery team offers several different types of chest masculinization procedures, including double incision and peri-aeriolar incisions. The team will work with you to help pick the right technique at the time of your consultation.

Chest masculinization requires general anesthesia, and is performed as an ambulatory procedure, meaning there is no hospital stay after surgery. After surgery, you will have a compression vest and surgical drains. The drains will be removed several weeks after surgery, but you must wear the compression vest for at least four weeks post-operatively. It can take six months to one year to regain the full use of your arms after surgery, but there is gradual improvement during this time. Most people are able to resume regular daily activities after three months.


Metoidioplasty is a procedure for people looking to create a phallus. CTMS plastic and urological surgeons collaborate to release the clitoris from the ligament that holds it in place. Then we wrap skin around it to create a phallus. The result is a phallus that can become erect. We can perform hysterectomy and vaginectomy at the same time.

We can perform this procedure with or without extending the urethra to allow urination out of the tip of the phallus. Our surgeons can also create a scrotum and insert testicular implants depending on your preference. After metoidioplasty, you will have a three day hospital stay. You will go home with a tube in your stomach to help drain your urine. Recovery can take six to eight weeks. Problems with urinary flow are very common, but often resolve on their own.


With phalloplasty, a surgeon will create a penis out of skin from somewhere on the body. CTMS currently offers several different techniques. These include the radial forearm flap (RFF) phalloplasty and Anterolateral Thigh (ALT) flap.

Phalloplasty can involve several procedures in addition to the creation of a penis. We can close the front pelvic opening (vaginectomy). This often requires a hysterectomy as well. We can perform vaginectomy as a part of a phalloplasty, but this is not required.

Urethral lengthening creates a urethra that allows urination from the tip of the phallus. Scrotoplasty creates a scrotum. We can perform one or both of these procedures during phalloplasty. Neither is required.

All options for phalloplasty require multiple surgical procedures. Some procedures involve a hospital stay. Some stages of phalloplasty require a hospital stay for three to seven days, and some do not.

If you are interested in phalloplasty, we start with a complete consultation. CTMS providers can discuss the pros and cons of each procedure and help you decide what is right for you.


Hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus and ovaries. Our obstetric and gynecologic team performs this ambulatory procedure. There is no hospital stay after surgery. Most people recover within two to four weeks.