
We conduct innovative research to study key issues in adolescent health and improve outcomes for all adolescents. While most young people across the country do not have access to a medical home like the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center, our research findings have the potential to benefit all adolescents in the United States and globally.

Current Research Projects

Among our current research projects are a number of studies designed to improve health outcomes and resiliency among young people.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in Adolescent Girls

Some strains of the HPV virus are known to be related to cervical cancer. This groundbreaking study, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is investigating the persistence of HPV virus types that are known causes of cervical cancer. Although we now have the HPV vaccine, not enough is known about the HPV virus in adolescents and how the vaccine works with teens and in real-life situations. We are studying HPV infection in the cervix, anus and mouth as well as behaviors that may put teens at risk for HPV even if they have received the vaccine.

HPV in Adolescent Boys

The HPV vaccine was developed with girls and women in mind and there is insufficient understanding of the HPV virus in boys. The vaccine is now being offered to boys although its impact has not been sufficiently studied. We recently completed a pilot that will set the stage for a full, longitudinal study of HPV infection and persistence among boys.

Completed Research Studies

Among the many other research studies completed at the Center have been:

  • Evaluation of the contributing role of alcohol and drug use in date rape and other coercive sexual violence (Funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism)
  • Evaluation of the prevalence of Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in adolescent and adult females in North America and Brazil.
  • HPV Vaccine Clinical Trials
  • HIV Clinical Trials
  • Randomized Control Trial of Novel Oral Contraceptive Initiation Method (National Institutes of Health)
  • Examining screening and disclosure of childhood maltreatment and trauma among urban adolescents (Funded by the National Institutes of Health)
  • Assessment and treatment for adolescent substance users and prevention of substance use and behaviors associated with substance use and HIV