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"10 Creative Hacks to Cut Down on Your Sitting Time"

  • Livestrong
  • New York, NY
  • (July 26, 2019)

Americans are sitting for more hours of the day than they ever have, according to a July 2019 study in JAMA Network Open — and that's bad news for our health. When you sit, you use less energy than when you're standing or walking. So, when you sit for extended periods of time, it can affect your activity tolerance and put you at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome and deep-vein thrombosis. In terms of medical consequences, it's almost as bad as smoking, says Gerardo Miranda-Comas, MD, an assistant professor for the Department of Rehabilitation and Human Performance at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. "You should take short breaks from sitting — about every 20 minutes — which will prevent muscle fatigue and neck and back pain," he says. "Plus, a non-sedentary lifestyle can contribute to decreased risk of depression, body image issues and breast and colon cancers."

— Gerardo Enrique Miranda-Comas, MD, Assistant Professor, Rehabilitation and Human Performance, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai  

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