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"Six New Rosacea Treatments That Will Help End The Redness" - Denise Mann, MS

  • Reader's Digest
  • (January 09, 2018)

There are many ways to treat pimples and other symptoms of rosacea, but the same couldn't be said about the redness until now. From laser and lights to new prescription creams and calming over-the-counter skin care products, dermatologists share proven strategies for extinguishing the redness of rosacea for good. Lasers are the gold standard for getting rid of the redness of rosacea, said Gary Goldenberg, MD, assistant professor of dermatology and pathology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and director of the dermatology faculty practice at the Mount Sinai Hospital. His two go-tos for rosacea treatment are Syneron-Candela's V-beam and Cutera's Excel V. Both apply laser energy to get rid of the spider-like vessels that cause redness. "These laser treatments get rid of the blood vessels, but they don't prevent new ones from forming," Dr. Goldenberg said. "It's similar to dyeing your hair in that maintenance treatments will be needed every six to 12 months to keep redness away." Sun exposure is among the most common rosacea triggers, but the judicious use of sunscreen can help minimize the redness of rosacea, Dr. Goldenberg added.

 - Gary Goldenberg, MD, Assistant Professor, Dermatology, Pathology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Director, Dermatology Faculty Practice, The Mount Sinai Hospital

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