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"Valentine’s Day Party Held for Pediatric Heart Patients"

  • WCBS 2
  • New York, NY
  • (February 08, 2017)

Valentine’s Day is still 6 days away, but one group of kids is already celebrating with their hearts. On Wednesday, dozens of pediatric heart surgery patients gathered at The Mount Sinai Hospital on the Upper East Side for a special Valentine’s Day party. The event reunited them with nurses and doctors like Khanh Nguyen, MD, chief of pediatric cardiothoracic surgery at The Mount Sinai Hospital, who saved their lives. “It’s very rewarding to see our patients now, for example; Feddi a year out of her transplant, back to school, playing with her best friend, going on trips with her family. It’s very rewarding,” said Anne Barnes, NP, who helped take care of 11-year old Feddi Salemi. Learn more.