Voice and Swallowing Conditions We Treat

The Grabscheid Voice and Swallowing Center of Mount Sinai offers state-of-the-art diagnostics and tools in the evaluation and treatment of voice, swallowing, airway disorders and chronic cough. These include: lasers for laryngeal lesions (that do not require general anesthesia), digital stroboscopy, transnasal esophagoscopy, pulse dye laser treatment, objective swallowing measures, and assessment and laryngeal electromyography.

Our multidisciplinary team includes speech language pathologists, who specialize in voice, speech, singing and swallowing therapy, as well as specialists in the fields of gastroenterology, pulmonology, radiology and surgical pathology. Together, we strive to employ minimally invasive procedures when surgery is necessary.

Our scope of practice includes evaluation and interdisciplinary management of the following laryngeal conditions: