

At Mount Sinai, we have pioneered the use of a novel approach to treat abdominal cancers called hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion (HIPEC). While cancers of the abdominal lining have been difficult to treat in the past with traditional surgery, HIPEC combines surgery with chemotherapy, revolutionizing how we treat these unique cancers. Responding to the lack of hospitals providing such a revolutionary treatment option, Mount Sinai established what is today one of the busiest HIPEC programs in the country. Faculty have performed more than 500 adult HIPEC procedures since the program’s creation in 2007, a number that will surely grow now that we are one of only two hospitals in Manhattan to offer pediatric HIPEC with a dedicated full-time faculty member specially trained in pediatric surgical oncology.


HIPEC delivers heated chemotherapy directly into the abdominal cavity, where it penetrates the diseased tissue directly. Because HIPEC allows the chemotherapy to go directly to the site of the cancer, you will not experience any of the side effects of intravenous chemotherapy. It also destroys undetected cancer cells after the tumor has been removed, preventing the formation of new tumors, so the cancer cannot recur. This combination procedure has improved outcomes significantly.

HIPEC works by using a combination of heat and chemotherapy. The procedure first removes all of the visible tumors using traditional surgery, followed by an internal bath of heated chemotherapeutic solution to kill any remaining cancer cells using cytoreductive surgery.

Mount Sinai runs one of the most experienced HIPEC programs in the country, having performed more than 500 adult HIPEC procedures since the program’s creation in 2007. As leaders in the use of this novel technique, you can trust that you are receiving the best treatment possible while in our care.

Conditions We Treat

We use HIPEC to treat tumors in the abdominal (peritoneal) lining that stem from colon, gastric, ovarian, and other cancers.

Schedule a consultation with one of our expert surgeons to find out if you are eligible for HIPEC, and if the procedure is right for you. Our surgical oncologists at Mount Sinai are on the forefront of this groundbreaking procedure, and have the type of extensive experience you seek in your surgeon.