Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Research
Mount Sinai’s Division of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery has long been recognized as a pioneer in both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the face, head, and neck. Committed to enhancing the field, our surgeons are involved in cutting-edge research and clinical trials that continually build on our foundation of clinical excellence and leadership.
Facial Nerve Palsy/Paralysis Treatment Outcomes
Facial nerve paralysis represents a severe form of facial disfigurement with significant psychological, social, and functional consequences. Bell’s Palsy is one of the most common causes of facial paralysis. Patients experience significant health, psychological, and social consequences, including eye problems, uncontrollable muscle spasms, social isolation, depression, and difficulties eating and speaking.
Multiple treatments exist for patients with facial nerve paralysis ranging from physical therapy to surgery. While several therapies are described in medical literature, it is unclear which options are best for specific patients. The purpose of this research is to assess treatment outcomes in facial nerve paralysis. Using state-of-the-art assessment tools and video/photographic analysis, our goal is to understand how to better tailor treatment to each individual patient’s needs.
This project is currently recruiting patients. If you would like to learn more about this study or any other of our ongoing research projects, please email samantha.udondem@mountsinai.org. Additional information can also be found at ClinicalTrials.gov.
Rhinoplasty Outcomes
Various surgical options are available to patients who elect to have a rhinoplasty for either a cosmetic or functional purpose or both. While information exists on individual techniques, a larger database would better help track and assess the surgical procedures and success rates.
The Division of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is actively investigating the best practices for patients undergoing rhinoplasty and other forms of nasal surgery. This research focuses on the use of validated measures to compare outcomes from a variety of operations/surgical techniques that are available to patients. We analyze multiple aspects of surgery from complication rates to short- and long-term outcomes, and patient satisfaction rates. The goal is to understand what type of surgery would be best for each patient.
Cosmetic Aesthetic Facial Surgery
Dermal fillers are a common injectable cosmetic procedure used to restore volume and reduce facial lines. Even though the complication rate is low, it is important to understand the side effects that can occur. By studying outcomes and patient satisfaction rates, researchers at Mount Sinai can identify best practices.
Skin Cancer
Melanoma is a serious form of skin cancer that is more likely to grow and spread. Many advanced skin cancers like melanoma, are not well understood. As part of an ongoing collaboration with medical oncology, our facial plastic surgeons are gathering data to better understand melanoma gene expression. The goal is to identify genetic markers in patients that will inform treatment decisions.
Gender Affirmation
Numerous research projects are ongoing in partnership with the Mount Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery. One study involves examining the scope of insurance coverage and availability of treatment for gender affirmation surgery.
Other research is assessing the use of virtual surgical planning. In the transgender population, facial plastic and reconstructive surgeons are often consulted to recontour the bone skeleton of the face to appear more feminine or masculine. Using state-of-the-art technology, physicians in our Division can plan this process virtually on the computer. This powerful tool has been applied to many craniofacial surgeries.