Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)

Interventional radiology at Mount Sinai provides specialized services for men. We offer precision diagnosis and personalized, advanced minimally invasive procedures. This treatment approach decreases pain and recovery time. It involves smaller incisions than traditional surgery as well as less bleeding and scarring.
Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), a common condition when the prostate becomes enlarged, it can cause frequent and urgent urination and incontinence. It affects more than 15 million American males each year. At Mount Sinai, we perform a variety of minimally invasive therapies including transurethral resection of the prostate, transurethral incision of the prostate, transurethral microwave thermotherapy, and transurethral needle ablation. For years, we managed BPH using medicine and dietary changes. If this approach didn’t work, we would perform a surgical procedure called transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). But this procedure has significant risks, including bleeding, nerve damage, and impotence. The more advanced procedure, prostate artery embolization (PAE) offers the same benefits with lower risk and fewer side effects.
Treatments We Offer
Intervententional Radiology at Mount Sinai has extensive experience in treating BPH and remains at the forefront of BPH treatment. The most common approaches are:
- Prostate artery embolization (PAE) is a minimally invasive procedure that helps some people with BPH. We place small beads in the arteries that bring blood to the prostate. This slows the blood flow and causes the prostate to shrink. Often, this solves urinary problems related to BPH. Usually, you can go home the same day as the procedure, with very little discomfort. This procedure is not appropriate for everyone.
- Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) involves inserting a small tube (catheter) into the tip of your penis. We use an instrument called a resectoscope to trim tissue from the inside of the prostate gland. We cut one tiny piece at a time. The pieces flow into your bladder and we remove them at the end of the procedure. Most people stay in the hospital for a day or two after this procedure.
Why Mount Sinai
At Mount Sinai, our interventional radiologists and urologists work together to provide the best possible diagnosis and treatment.
As a result, when you come to Mount Sinai, you have the very latest and most effective options available for treatment. Our highly trained and skilled interventional radiologists do everything we can to get you back to your normal routine as quickly and painlessly as possible.