We've found 5 total result s for "Liver Failure".

Liver Transplantation in Patients With CirrHosis and Severe Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure: iNdications and outComEs

Management of ACLF is mainly supportive. The poor outcomes lead physicians to consider liver transplantation as an option, even if controversial. In sicker recipients, LT results in immediate survival, but poor medium-term survival rates in some studies. The scarcit...

Liver Transplantation in Patients With CirrHosis and Severe Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure: iNdications and outComEs

Management of ACLF is mainly supportive. The poor outcomes lead physicians to consider liver transplantation as an option, even if controversial. In sicker recipients, LT results in immediate survival, but poor medium-term survival rates in some studies. The scarcity of...