Venogram - leg

Phlebogram - leg; Venography - leg; Angiogram - leg

Venography for legs is a test used to see the veins in the leg.

X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, like visible light is. However, these rays are of higher energy. Therefore, they can go through the body to form an image on film. Structures that are dense (such as bone) will appear white, air will be black, and other structures will be shades of gray.

Veins are not normally seen in an x-ray, so a special dye is used to highlight them. This dye is called contrast.

Leg venography

Leg venography is a procedure where contrast material is injected through a catheter in a vein to help visualize the internal structures by using x-rays. The test is used to identify and locate thrombi (blood clots) in the veins of the extremity that is affected.

How the Test is Performed

How to Prepare for the Test

How the Test will Feel

Why the Test is Performed

Normal Results

What Abnormal Results Mean

