Point tenderness - abdomen

Abdominal tenderness

Abdominal point tenderness is the pain you feel when pressure is placed over a certain part of the belly area (abdomen).

Anatomical landmarks adult - front

There are three body views (front, back, and side) that can help you to identify a specific body area. The labels show areas of the body which are identified either by anatomical or by common names. For example, the back of the knee is called the “popliteal fossa,” while the “flank” is an area on the side of the body.


The appendix is near the junction of the small bowel and the colon. On occasion, it may become infected. Although most people are familiar with appendicitis, it is a relatively rare disease. It is treated by surgical removal of the appendix (appendectomy). Recovery time for uncomplicated appendicitis is usually just three days.



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