Utility of Liposomal Bupivacaine Transversus Abdominal Plane Block for Open Myomectomy

ID#: NCT04272086

Age: 18 - 64 years

Gender: Female

Healthy Subjects: Accepts Healthy Volunteers

Study Phase: Phase 4

Recruitment Status: Recruiting

Start Date: November 09, 2020

End Date: December 01, 2022

Contact Information:
Daniel Katz, MD
James Leader
Summary: The study team will be randomizing patients presenting for open myomectomy to either received transversus abdominal plane blocks with either liposomal bupivacaine or standard bupivacaine. The study team will be analyzing the impact of local anesthetic on opiate consumption as the investigator's primary endpoint with other secondary endpoints.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Not pregnant

- Weight over 50kg presenting for open myomectomy

- No history of allergy to any study medication

- No history of malignant ventricular dysrhythmia, epilepsy, seizure disorder, or chronic pain syndrome other than pain from myomas

- No history of drug or alcohol use or abuse disorder or pre-existing liver disease.