The Computational and Neural Mechanisms Linking Decision-making and Memory in Humans
Study Phase: N/A
Recruitment Status: Recruiting
Start Date: October 31, 2023
End Date: August 01, 2025
Inclusion Criteria:
- Has seizure activity which is deemed non-responsive to standard pharmacological intervention(s), as determined by treating Neurologist and established clinical practices
- Has elected to receive clinically indicated intracranial EEG (electrocorticography (ECoG), stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG)) and/or temporal responsive neurostimulation (RNS) for medication-refractory epilepsy outside of this research study, as determined by treating clinician(s) and per current clinical practice
- Capacity to provide written informed consent
- Language proficiency in English or Spanish
- Willing and able to comply with all study-related procedures
Exclusion Criteria:
- History of psychosis, such as in the context of depressive or manic episode.
- Active suicidal ideation with intent, suicide attempt within the last six months, or other serious suicide risk
- Inability to provide informed consent or reliably participate in study assessments, as per the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA; score < 26) or in the opinion of the evaluating neuropsychologist.
- Individuals unwilling or unable to undergo electrode implantation procedures
- Medical contraindications to neurosurgery or for general anesthesia, neurosurgery, or an MRI scan (required for electrode implantation)
- Neurological disorder other than epilepsy or other significant brain pathology, if contraindicated in the opinion of implanting neurosurgeon.
- Women who are pregnant