Mount Sinai Selikoff Centers for Occupational Health

Industrial Hygiene

Mount Sinai collaborates with labor, management, and other stakeholders to identify optimal solutions for maintaining safe and healthy work environments. Having strong health and safety programs not only protect workers, but also improves job performance, increase productivity, and minimizes costs. Our industrial hygiene team identifies and assesses exposures to physical, biological, and chemical hazards and develops prevention and control systems.


Health and Safety Programs

Our industrial hygienists collaborate with board-certified occupational medicine physicians at Mount Sinai to develop comprehensive and effective workplace health and safety programs. We help establish policies and protocols and hazard assessment plans, as well as education and training programs.

Work Site Assessments and Exposure Monitoring Programs

We visit work sites to identify and evaluate occupational and environmental exposures. We design site-specific exposure monitoring programs for physical, biological, and chemical hazards and provide feasible recommendations to control or eliminate exposures.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Programs

Individuals working in hazardous environments must wear the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) whenever controls cannot reduce or eliminate potential exposures. We assist with selection of PPE and provide dermal and respiratory protective equipment fit-testing and training.

Specialized Training

Education is an important part of keeping workers safe and healthy. We lead specialized trainings across industries. Topics have included understanding hazardous noise levels, preventing asbestos exposure, and occupational hazards in manufacturing, construction, transportation, infrastructure repair, and rehabilitation.

Contact us at 888-702-0630 for a consultation to determine your workplace needs.