Time out

"Time out" is a technique some parents and teachers use when a child misbehaves. It involves the child leaving the environment and activities where the inappropriate behavior occurred, and going to a specific place for a set amount of time. During time out, the child is expected to be quiet and think about their behavior.

Time out is an effective disciplinary technique that does not use physical punishment. Professionals report that NOT physically punishing children may help them learn that physical violence or inflicting physical pain does NOT bring desired results.

Children learn to avoid time out by stopping the behaviors that have caused time outs, or warnings of time outs, in the past.

Time out

Time out is a form of discipline used by parents or teachers in response to undesired behaviors amongst children. When children are put in time out, they are put in a certain designated place to sit for a certain amount of time to reflect upon their behavior. Time out is an effective disciplinary technique in which no physical punishment is used.
