Center of Excellence for Pancreatic Cancer Multidisciplinary Team

A diagnosis of pancreatic cancer can be very difficult for patients and their families. Pancreatic cancer is a complex disease that requires intensive coordination and collaboration. The Center of Excellence for Pancreatic Cancer Multidisciplinary Team (Pancreas MDT), part of the Center of Excellence for Pancreatic Cancer, Center of Excellence for Pancreatic Cancer, uses a patient-centric approach to make things as easy as possible for patients. The Pancreas MDT is located at Ruttenberg Treatment Center.

Personalized Treatment Plan in One Day

By spending a full day at the Pancreas MDT, patients are spared the overwhelming process of trying to coordinate their own pre-treatment evaluation that could otherwise take weeks. Patients receive a comprehensive examination, imaging tests including a CT scan, and consultations with appropriate specialists. The care team discusses treatment options and clinical trials featuring innovative therapies that may be beneficial. At the end of the day, patients have a treatment plan—developed by leading pancreatic cancer experts in the United States—that has been customized for them and thoroughly explained.

What to Expect During Your Visit

  • When you arrive, you will be greeted by one of our caring registrars who will check to be sure that all of your key demographic information is correct and available to the care team.
  • Next, a member of the team will perform a comprehensive examination and confirm your medical history.
  • You will have lab work or imaging scans, as needed. 
  • In the afternoon, you will meet with a team that may include a medical oncologist, a surgical oncologist, and a radiation oncologist. Members of our world-class radiology and pathology teams will also be consulting on your case.
  • By the end of your visit, you will have an individualized treatment plan that was developed specifically for you. The team will also give you information about the next steps in your care, and will refer you to other specialists in Genetics, Gastroenterology, Nutrition, and Palliative Care, as needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Participating in a Research Collective to Make Care Better

The Center of Excellence for Pancreatic Cancer is part of the Canopy Cancer Collective, a network of prestigious health care institutions across the United States. The Canopy Cancer Collective strives to create a comprehensive pancreatic cancer learning network that supports multidisciplinary, innovative, evidence-based, and compassionate care for pancreatic cancer patients. The ultimate goal is to improve outcomes and experience through sharing of data and best practices. This enhances the services we provide at our Pancreas MDT.