Ankle pain

Pain - ankle

Ankle pain involves any discomfort in one or both ankles.

Ankle sprain swelling

Mild to severe swelling and bruising can accompany a sprain to the ankle. Bruising usually indicates tearing of ligament tissue and a more severe sprain.

Ankle sprain

An ankle sprain is a common injury to the ankle. The most common way the ankle is injured is when the ankle is twisted inward (inversion injury). With this injury, ligaments that support the ankle can be torn which lead to swelling, inflammation, and bruising around the ankle. An ankle sprain injury may take a few weeks to many months to fully heal.

Sprained ankle

A sprain is caused by the twisting or bending of a joint into a position it was not designed to move. The ankle is the most commonly sprained joint. Some common symptoms of a sprain are pain around the joint, swelling, and bruising.


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