Stage IV Melanoma

With stage IV metastatic melanoma, the cancer has spread to distant regions of the body, mostly commonly the liver, lungs, bones, gastrointestinal tract, and brain.

Your doctor will look at two factors to determine how advanced a stage IV melanoma has become. One is the location of the distant tumors. The second factor is an elevated level of serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), which is an enzyme responsible for turning sugar to energy. The higher the LDH level in body fluids, the more damage the cancer has done.

Treatments for Stage IV Metastatic Melanoma

In order to treat stage IV melanoma, the primary tumor and any enlarged lymph nodes to which the cancer has spread may be surgically removed or treated with radiation.

Cancer that has metastasized to internal organs may also be surgically removed, depending on whether the tumors are causing symptoms, where the tumors are located, and how many tumors have formed. For metastases that cannot be removed, treatment options include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or targeted therapies.