Mount Sinai Weight and Metabolism Management Program

We all want to live long, healthy lives. Carrying extra body weight is very common and can have negative effects on your physical and mental well-being.  Unfortunately, excess weight often carries the stigma of a self-inflicted problem.

 In reality, many factors make losing weight challenging, and some factors are out of your own control, like genetics. Outside of diet and exercise, there are several weight loss options to consider. Each comes with its specific benefits and challenges. And that can make it hard to decide which would work best for you.

At Mount Sinai, we have a team of experts who take a patient-centric approach and work closely with you to consider your options, both medical and surgical. Our clinicians take time to understand your weight loss goals and work with you for the best outcome so you can enjoy a healthier life. Thanks to recent scientific advances, there are more choices than ever before.

The body mass index (BMI) is one way of understanding your options. For example, if your BMI is higher than 25 or you are interested in lifestyle changes alone, working with a dedicated nutritionist is a possibility. If your BMI is ≥ 30—or if it is ≥ 27 and you have certain other health risks— you might consider a variety of different medical therapies. 

If you decide you want to take control of your body weight, our Mount Sinai experts can work with you to develop a comprehensive weight management plan. This would help you:

  • Regain control of your own health
  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular, cancer and other health issues
  • Enjoy a better quality of life physically, emotionally, and socially
  • Enhance your overall longevity