
Colon and Rectal Surgery FAQs

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Colon Surgery

Following colon resection surgery, you should plan to be in the hospital between three to five days. Once you pass gas, the surgical team will usually clear you to return home. After surgery, you will be restricted from lifting heavy objects for six to eight weeks to avoid the development of a hernia. However, you may do most things you normally would, but at a slower pace while you complete recovery.

Is Colon Resection A Major Surgery?

If you are diagnosed with either a large polyp or cancer, your surgeon may offer different treatment options and not all require a major opening or cut. Often, our surgeons choose either laparoscopic or robotic resection. This involves taking the concerning piece of intestine out and re-connecting it back together. For patients with a polyp or tumor in the lower section of their intestine, the surgeon may choose to use a technique called transanal endoscopic microsurgery, a minimally invasive technique that allows most patients to go home on the same day.