Liver Diseases

Diagnosis and Treatment

It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of adults 18 and older will discover they have hepatitis C, the good news is that there are treatments, which are almost 99% effective with little to no side effects.


Getting a blood test will let you know if you have been exposed to the hepatitis C virus (HCV). If that first antibody test is positive, you will need another blood test to determine if HCV is still active in your body. Knowing if you have hepatitis C gives you the opportunity to get treatment that will prevent further liver damage. The results of these tests allow your doctor to determine the best course of treatment for you.

Treatments are especially effective if you have just been diagnosed, or if you have not yet been treated for HCV.

Treatments We Offer

Available treatments can eliminate the virus from your body and prevent liver damage, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. These treatments include PEG interferon, ribavirin, and newer protease inhibitor medications. At Mount Sinai, we were proud to have played a major role in the development and approval of anti-viral drugs that treat HCV and HIV.

In addition, Mount Sinai is studying oral therapies and treatment plans with the goal of eliminating the hepatitis C virus.

The treatment of hepatitis C has been revolutionized, thanks to medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that may lead to a cure rate higher than previously expected.

New medicines have fewer side effects than the older medicines. You need to take some only every four to six weeks. You and your doctor will be able to determine the best course of treatment for you depending on the severity of your disease and any other treatments you may have tried.