Tooth decay - early childhood

Bottle mouth; Bottle carries; Baby bottle tooth decay; Early childhood caries (ECC); Dental caries; Baby bottle tooth decay; Nursing bottle caries

Development of baby teeth

Both baby teeth (deciduous or milk teeth) and permanent teeth have fairly well-defined times of eruption. The ages listed are the normal ages that a baby tooth emerges. Upper central incisors and upper lateral incisors erupt by 8 to 10 months. Upper canines (cuspids) erupt by 16 to 20 months. Upper first molars erupt by 15 to 21 months. Upper second molars erupt by 20 to 24 months. Lower central incisors erupt by 6 to 9 months. Lower lateral incisors erupt by 15 to 21 months. Lower canines (cuspids) erupt by 15 to 21 months. Lower first molars erupt by 15 to 21 months. Lower second molars erupt by 20 to 24 months.

Baby bottle tooth decay

Baby bottle tooth decay is a dental condition characterized by massive decay of an infant's teeth, particularly the upper and lower incisors.

Keeping Teeth Healthy

Preventing Tooth Decay

Caring for Your Child's Teeth