
Vitamin C deficiency; Deficiency - vitamin C; Scorbutus

Scurvy is a disease that occurs when you have a severe lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in your diet. Scurvy causes general weakness, anemia, gum disease, poor wound healing, and skin hemorrhages.

Scurvy is rare in the United States. Older adults who are not getting proper nutrition are most affected by scurvy.

Scurvy - periungual hemorrhage

Scurvy is a nutritional disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C. Common symptoms include pinpoint bleeding around hair follicles, along the gums, and under the nails, as seen in this photograph. This disease rarely occurs in the United States.

Scurvy - corkscrew hair

Scurvy is a nutritional disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C. Pinpoint bleeding around hair follicles, and corkscrew hairs as seen in this picture, can occur as a result of scurvy. Bleeding along the gums is common. This disease rarely occurs in the United States.

Scurvy - corkscrew hairs

Corkscrew hairs in hyperkeratotic follicles are pathognomonic of scurvy, or vitamin C deficiency. Petechiae and subungual hemorrhage may also be seen.