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"Push To Find Organ Donors for Those Sickened At Ground Zero After 9/11 Attacks"

  • WABC News
  • New York, NY
  • (August 14, 2018)

Many types of cancer have been reported among the life-threatening illnesses that have attacked hundreds of thousands of people who were in the vicinity of Ground Zero after the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. And now there is a big push to find organ donors for those suffering from 9/11-related illnesses. Experts say kidney cancer appears to be part of yet another wave of 911-related illnesses, following conditions like asthma and acid reflux, thyroid and prostate cancer. “It’s certainly related to the exposure, there’s no doubt in my mind,” said Michael Crane, MD, director of the World Trade Center Health Program Clinical Center at The Mount Sinai Hospital. “We do seem to be having them picked up at a point where we can treat them effectively,” he added.

- Michael Crane, MD, MPH, Associate Professor, Environmental Medicine and Public Health, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Director, World Trade Center Health Program Clinical Center of Excellence, The Mount Sinai Hospital

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