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"'Standing Was Everything': Young Woman Learns to Walk Again Months After Devastating Crash" - Jummy Olabanji

  • NBC News
  • New York, NY
  • (May 17, 2017)

A woman who had her pelvis crushed in a bad crash has had the chance to walk again. Using a 3-D X-ray image of her CAT scan, David Forsh MD, orthopedic trauma chief at Mount Sinai St. Luke;s and his team at Mount Sinai St Luke's worked for six hours to put White back together. "It was definitely a risky surgery, but certainly well worth the risk if you're trying to save someone's life, even at a major hospital like Mount Sinai St Luke's this type of injury is rarely seen," Dr. Forsh said.

- David Forsh, MD, Assistant Professor, Orthopaedics, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Chief, Orthopedic Trauma, Mount Sinai St. Luke's

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